12:30 PM, 22 October 2024 PST

ECP Directs Neutrality: Security Alert on Feb 8


The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) issued crucial directives to ensure the integrity of the electoral process on February 8. Security personnel are mandated to maintain absolute neutrality and impartiality, securing the premises of returning officers’ offices until the results consolidation is complete. Their responsibility extends to ensuring the secure deposit of polling bags and materials with the ECP.

In a bid to uphold transparency, security personnel must facilitate the entry of accredited observers and media personnel into polling stations. Notably, media persons are permitted to carry cameras, with the exception of the screened-off compartment, to safeguard the secrecy of the ballot.

The ECP’s code of conduct explicitly instructs law enforcement, including police officials, to refrain from demanding voters to present their “perchees” or prove their identity, as this responsibility lies squarely with the polling officer. Additionally, the directive stresses that no eligible voter should be denied entry into a polling station.

Crucially, security personnel are instructed not to interfere in the functions of presiding officers, assistant presiding officers, or polling officers. They are explicitly prohibited from making arrests at polling stations unless specifically instructed by the presiding officer.

During the counting process, security personnel are required to maintain a non-interfering stance, ensuring a peaceful environment outside the polling station. They should only intervene in the counting process if malpractice is identified, emphasizing the need for an undisturbed counting process.

These comprehensive guidelines from the ECP underscore a commitment to a fair and transparent electoral process, with a focus on safeguarding the rights of voters and maintaining the integrity of each stage of the election. As the nation approaches February 8, adherence to these directives will play a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth and credible electoral process.

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